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Crosswinds Marsh, New Boston Maternity | McGrath Family

I may be biased because Michelle is one of my best friends, but this amazing, beautiful, kick ass woman was pregnant with baby #2 back in August, and a few weeks later, she (and her husband) had baby Jayden (those pictures to come!). Seriously- how fricken adorable is this family??

Michelle, her husband Cory, and her first little dude drove out to Crosswinds Marsh in New Boston for a little family photoshoot before baby #2 made his grand entrance. Making this the last time that the family would be a trio, they had a nice day of snuggling, smooches, and smiles. In a very short time, life as they know it would change to include another person to love, and another life to cherish.

Congratulations to the McGrath family on your beautiful baby boy!


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